A stereotypically cheesy title for my Singapore Study Abroad Blog

Saturday, January 5, 2013

And so it begins

Hello! My name is Chris.
For those of you who know me: Hi! How are you?
For those of you that don't know me, here's a brief introduction: I'm currently a Marketing Student at the University of Washington in Seattle. I work in Freelance Marketing as well as for the Ferndale School District as a Music and Choreography Instructor. In my free time, I play soccer and I am currently working on my first novel and my second symphony... also reddit. I do that a lot too.

I'm making this blog for my study abroad experience to Singapore, where I will be attending the National University of Singapore's Business School for 5 months. Here I will be cataloging my events and possibly giving advice for anyone who is looking to study abroad or even travel to Singapore. Allow me to be your guinea pig in this experience.

Thanks for reading, and check back for more posts or follow me on twitter for updates! Also feel free to ask questions about me, study abroad, or Singapore at @thechrismorgan. (Or in the comments below)

I fly out on the 8th, and then the journey will begin.

Until next time!

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