A stereotypically cheesy title for my Singapore Study Abroad Blog

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Quest for the Black Sand Beach (Bali Part 2)

And so the adventure continues. We left our hero falling asleep on the drive from Kintamani to his next beach destination. (Read Part 1 if you haven't)

Padang Bai

Padang Bai is a fishing and Scuba village on the Southeastern coast of Bali. An interesting choice of location for me, as the village is used mostly as a pitstop for people traveling to Lombok and the Gili Islands, and for Scuba Divers. As I was neither, I got a chance to enjoy the quiet village, and the nearby beaches. It was the only city where I stayed two nights in and the quiet nature of the area allowed me to catch up on sleep and relaxation that I had been in need of for some time, especially right after my volcano trek.

One of my biggest adventures here, was the search for the Black Sand Beach.

I would first like to preface this adventure with this-- There are a number of black sand beaches in Bali that are A: Not in the region I went to, and B: Much easier to get to. If you are looking for one, I'd recommend West Bali or North Eastern Bali (Near Lovina or Amed). However, rumor on many of the travel sites that I went to, is that there are a few EXCELLENT beaches on Bali, both white sand and black sand, that have avoided heavy traffic. The have avoided the eye of tourists and remain local secrets by being either hard to get to or not directions not being publicized. These beaches are legendary and, if their secrets are kept, beautifully perfect for anyone who takes the time to look for them. Soka beach is one of such beaches somewhere along the Southwest coast that is now becoming less of a secret to exploring tourists, though still directions and exact locations remain relatively secretive.

So I will do my best to preserve what I found. Especially because there are not many black sand beaches in the Padang Bai area and it was quite the gem. I had heard that this relatively hidden beach was one of the best black sand beaches in Bali, but there was very little information, except for another blog that I found like this, describing their search for it.

I started my adventure by asking some locals in Padang Bai who ran restaurants and travel services. When I asked directions for "Black Sand Beach" (I don't think it has a name, it's just called "Black Sand Beach") many said, "You mean, White Sand Beach?". "White Sand Beach" used to be called "Hidden Beach", also known as Bias Tugal, it was once one of the more secretive beaches, a small cove that took an uphill hike and then a steep drop to get too. Now it is on many maps and decently trafficked. However, while I did visit this beach (it was pretty nice, though I think there are better white sand beaches on the island, if you are going, try to find a hidden one), I had my eyes set on the black sand.

Finally, one of the locals I talked to said he knew it and was willing to point me in the right direction. However, he decided to point West. Past White Sand Beach. Somewhere. And with that descriptive knowledge, I walked. After the first two hills and a little trailblazing, I started to regret my choice of flip flops, especially because of a few friendly snakes I encountered. But I trekked on. Using a few slightly overgrown paths, I found a road, and followed it past a few houses and up another hill. I won't put the exact location on here, but while it's quite a trek, it's not too hard to get to if you know where you're going which I now do. Message me if you are ever interested.

But after long last, I came up over the hill and saw it spralled out before me.

With a beach so big that I could see much of the Southeastern coastline, I'm not sure how it has remained a secret to tourists. When I arrived, there was one local fisherman on the beach holding a line in the waves and picking up little scraps of trash that washed up on shore. He grinned when he saw me stumble down the steep slope and onto the beach. Walking over to me he smiled and told me to walk near the water so that the waves would wash away my footprints. The beach was clear and pristine, black sand is truly something to see and I highly recommend a visit. It gives the beach this clear, untouched look.

Walking farther along as the sun went down, some locals came out from their homes nearby to eat near the beach. I walked over to a group of kids who came out to play soccer in the sand and had a great conversation with their teacher. They all looked amused to see a foreigner on the beach.

The beach was large enough that while some locals did come out to eat, play, and fly kites, there were stretches of the beach where I couldn't see anyone from where I walked. It was a huge highlight from the trip and my favorite beach in the world so far. If you go to Bali, don't just settle for the popular beaches, though they are nice, I recommend you at least look for one hidden one, it could make your trip.


Finally, my trip came to an end with a night in Kuta, which is relatively near the airport and in the heavily touristed Southern part of Bali. I wanted a place that I could stay before my flight and also to experience what Bali was like in the heavily touristed areas. In my opinion, it didn't feel like the Bali I had come to know and love. Kuta reminded me a lot of other over-established, over-touristed areas of Southeast Asia (like downtown Phuket, but worse). Not to say that this is particularly a bad thing (especially if you like Magic Mushrooms, not my thing, but there are advertisements everywhere), Kuta is a great vacation spot, and excellent for tourists. Many shops and restaurants, and GREAT beaches, the region didn't get heavily trafficked for no reason. The hotels are great, and I actually welcomed the established nature of the place after my days of travel.

I caved and went to the Hard Rock Cafe. Don't judge me! I had to, I've been to them all over the US and now all over the world. Plus, I had a need for some really intense Western food, and a 10 ounce burger and a milkshake was perfect. I could actually go for another right now. The Hard Rock Cafe also has a resort attached to it that has very high ratings, as well as the number one family resort award on trip advisor. If you are coming with children, sticking to the touristed South may be a good idea and this hotel comes highly recommended.

While there are many beaches and sights to see in South Bali, I stuck to the beach and the restaurants and actually didn't get a chance to head out to other hot spots in the area. If I ever go back, I will hopefully check some of them out. Bali is one of those places where everyone who goes wants to go back, and there's no way you can see it all in one visit.

Well, there's much more I could say about the island; whether it's the technical stuff like the visa on arrival, or the subtleties like the extensive number of traffic weaving motorcycles throughout the island. But, I think I'll stop here, I've written a short novel, and I really should focus that effort on studying for my last final (or actually writing for my novel).

I have my last final coming up and I will be flying home again in 2 weeks. As my time here draws to a close, really all I have left is my birthday, this final, and then hopefully another trip where I hope to climb an actively erupting volcano if I can get the permits and the paperwork cleared in time. I'll keep you posted! It's crazy to think that my time in Asia has almost come to a close now, but I feel ready to come home. Exciting things to come, and I look forward to sharing my deep inner thoughts and beach adventures with you.

Let me know if you have any questions about Bali in the comments below, I'd love to talk about it more! Until next time!


  1. Hi Chris, I'm heading to Bali in a couple of weeks and would be keen to check out this gem you mentioned in your post. you can contact me at siokatwork at gmail.com :) Hope you see this! Thanks in advance!

    1. Just sent you an email, hopefully I caught this in time!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Chris
    I was searching the web for a remote black sand beach in Bali and your article just answered my prayers!
    Could you PM me at meichan85 (at) gmail.com please?
    Thanks in advance!
    (Hi from Ireland)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Chris,

    Im going to Bali in little over a month, was really hoping to see the black sand beach. One of the main things I wanted to experience and see in Bali. You can contact me through this email: mtj ( At ) sfu .ca

    Many thanks and kind regards,


  5. Hi Chris,

    Stumbled upon your blog while researching for my Bali trip. I'm heading over there in 2 weeks' time. Hope you could provide me with some useful information on how to find the black sand beach.

    tamchoiyee (at) gmail.com

    Thanks in advance!


  6. Hi Chris,
    I'm going to Bali in about 2 weeks and would love to visit a black sand beach - if you would be able to email me some details about the one you found I would be so grateful! Or anything else you think is a must-see?
    elliecryer (at) hotmail.com
    Thanks in advance!

  7. Hi Chris,

    My girlfriends and I are planning on a short trip to Bali and your blog has literally just saved alot of my queries. It was an enjoying read indefinitely. Would love to visit the black sand beach as mentioned, it is beautiful :) Hope you could recommend some nice places to go too..you can contact me at ngsinyi21@gmail.com



  8. Hello, me and my boyfriend are planning our trip to Bali in April. I really would like to know more about how you find this stunning beach. Near which town is it ? Can you give me the directions ?
    Thank you so much !!!!!!!

  9. Hi Chris, thank you for sharing the beautiful black sand beach. I'm wondering if you would be able to PM me the location? I would love to witness it for myself as I'm planning for a trip to Bali very soon. Thank you in advance. Best, Frey. My email is frey@avemanagement.com

  10. Hi Chris, thank you os much for posting this, at least this is the closest to what I've been looking for about the black sand beach. However, if you don't mind, can you drop me an email telling the detail direction on how to get ther as I have been searching for this location for months, yet none of the black sand beach article I found was good enough, or the black sand was not as I pictured it would be as it is shown in your blog obviously. Please email me at ananditras@yahoo.com, I really appreciate it if you would help me find this beach. Cheers :):) -Ditra

  11. Hi Chris,thank you so much for sharing this information with me. I have been searching for a long time for a non-commercialized blank sand beach in SE Asia but with little luck. FINALLY something after all the search. As I intend to go down to Bali next week, would greatly appreciate if you could provide me with detailed directions @ khorlii@hotmail.com! THANKS ALOT

  12. Hello everyone I'm in Bali now for the next 5 days and would love to see this off the trek Black sand beach wacker4hair@gmail.com if anyone could help share it's secret where abouts Thanks in Advance Jeff

  13. Hey guys I'm heading to Bali in December and I'd love to find this hidden black sand beach! Do share details at Wilfred.phua@gmail.com. Thanks!

  14. Hello. Chris. i will visit Bali next month. mind to share the details about this black sand beach to my email aastridamelia@gmail.com , please?
    thanks in advance

  15. Hi Chris,

    I'm going to Bali for the Chinese New year and I am dead set on swimming on a black beach. The photos and your story sounds great. It's just what I am looking for! Can you send me the details. My email is 2967359641@QQ.com this isn't a spam email, it's an email I used in China.

  16. Hiii Chris... the photos of the black sand beach look awesome

    Can you send me the details at anupamgadekar@gmail.com ..... planning to travel to bali in May.

  17. hi chris , still awaiting the black beach details at anupamgadekar@gmail.com

  18. Hey Chris,

    I am Maria from Indonesia and I feel like a bad Indonesian because until now I have no idea how to reach this beach. I have been wanting to visit this Black Sand Beach for so long but I could never find any info about it.. People say black sand beaches tend to look dirty and they absorb too much heat but I don't care! I really love how this beach looks!

    Do you mind letting me know the details about this beach? If you don't mind then please email me at mrchrstn92(at)gmail(dot)com..

    Thanks in advance! :)

  19. Hi, visiting Bali for the second time in about 3 weeks. First stay was UBUD. This time I'm wanting to visit beaches. On my list is a pink sand beach along with a black sand beach. could you send me details please. Thanks in advance,
    Amanda. Amandadesir.1@Gmail.com

  20. Hi Chris,

    It was great reading about your vacation in Bali. I am soon planning to visit Bali and a black sand beach is my top priority. Would you be able to tell me about a black sand beach near Kuta, Coz there is where I am planning my stay. Any other details about Bali would be most welcome. Thanks a ton in advance.

  21. Visiting Bali in a week and would love to see this beach. Please send me the details. shaliseknight@gmail.com


  22. hey Chris, Lovely article.

    I will be heading out to Bali sometime next month, can you please PM m ethe location of this black sand beach you mentioned on dixicy17@gmail.com.


  23. Hey Chris, I am heading to Bali this week and would love to see a Black Sand Beach. It's actually why I came to SE Asia (my first trip to this part of the world).

    Could you send me some info about the beach in your blog, the photos are incredible. And any other recommendations you have. You can reach me at: nealeshu@Gmail.Com


  24. Hi Chris! Are you able to email me the details on the black sand beach as I will be visiting bali soon! My email is hello.chrn@gmail.com Thank you!

  25. Hi Chris, I will be in Bali next month and am hoping to visit the black sand beach. Would you mind sending me the details? Thank you!! Blueyzz5.hb@gmail.com

  26. hiya!!
    I'm travelling to Bali in a few weeks and would love to go to this black sand beach, could you give me the exact location by email? if you don't mind i'd really appreciate it! thankss

  27. Hey there! heading to Bali in October and I'd love the details of this beach! I've got a pretty good sand collection going, so any other interesting beach recommendations would be appreciated, or any other must see's for that matter! Thanks so much :)

  28. Hello, I'd love the beach details too! My email is mintc@tuta.io (:

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Hi Chris, I will be in Bali next week and wish to visit the black sand beach. Would you please sending me the details? Thank you!! rh.mahfuz@yahoo.com

  31. Hey there! I'd love some details on this beach! Thanks, Lindsay.bomhof@gmail.com

  32. Hello, I tried to post earlier but I don't think it went through. My husband and I will be in Bali in just over a week, and it's our biggest dream to see a black sand beach. We are staying in the Sanur area. Would you please send us information or guide us in the right direction to find this black beauty of a beach? Thank you in advance! becca.fowler@outlook.com

  33. Hi there Chris!
    This beach looks amazing! My friends and I are heading at to Bali in a couple months, and we really want to see a Black Beach, and this looks phenomenal! I'd love to know the details and how to get to this beach. Please email me at: alishiahealey@gmail.com
    Thank you so much!

  34. Hello! My husband and I are travelling south East Asia as part of an extended honeymoon and we've just spend ten nights being pretty underwhelmed by Seminyak so now we're heading up to Ubud when I started seeing online about the amazing beaches in other areas, and then I saw your blog post! Is it at all possible you could let us know the location??
    My email is nicholarooke@gmail.com

  35. Hi Chris - I'm headed to Bali for my honeymoon and staying near Amed beach because I was told there was a black beach there. I would love to make the trek to where ever your gorgeous gem of a beach is -- please email me at thepiperwedding@yahoo.com
    Thanks so much, in advance!

  36. Hi Chris,

    I'm planning a graduation trip with my friends and the black beach is definitely one of those places i'd like to visit. It would be great if you can tell me the location of this places before the end of February. Drop me the location on my email, filzahdiana@gmail.com.
    Thank you!

  37. Hi Chris,

    would love to check out the black sand beach you talk about have been searching for hours to find the perfect one.
    would love if you were able to email me on brookeevams@gmail.com with the locations and directions if you could :)
    great Idea trying to keep it hidden and preserve it

    Thanks so much

  38. Hi Chris, I'll be in Bali in a couple weeks and dream of seeing a peaceful black sand beach like this. Is there any way you can send me directions? My email is casey.suchorsfield@gmail.com. Many thanks!!

  39. Hi Chris, I can't seem to find much information on the beautiful black sand beaches of Bali. Would you be so kind as to share your information on how to get to the one above? amandalimlw@gmail.com thanks in advance!

  40. Hi, I'm heading to Bali in a month and have been searching for which black sand beach to go to. The pictures look gorgeous, I would for sure be up for the adventure. Could you please send the location to Krystle.kelly86@gmail.com? Thank you!!

  41. Hey there! Thanks for sharing this amazing place. I would love directions to get here as I’m beading to Bali and want to film some of a music video on the pristine black sand! Ropetha@gmail.com is my email. Headed there on November 29th. Thanks!

  42. Hello, Chris! I am soon heading to Bali and I would love to visit the beach you were telling about. Could you, please, send me some information on how to get there? It would be much appreciated. My email is x.lya23@yahoo.com. Thank you!

  43. Hi there! My boyfriend and I are going to bali next week and have literallt dreamed about black sand beaches for months! The one you found whilst you were there sounds amazing..would you be able to give some more information on how to get there? My email is ali.ro@hotmail.co.uk Thanks in advance:)

  44. Hello!!! Not sure if your blog is still active but I'd love to know where this gorgeous gem is!!! It looks incredible! Do email me at meganyit@hotmail.com! APPRECIATE IT LOADS!

  45. Hey Chris,

    I am headed to Bali this summer, I would love to know the directions to the black beach as it’s been a childhood wonder that I’ve wanted to see ! Looks Fantastic and I would love your help !

    Thanks and much appreciated ! I can be emailed at bayouboyneworleans@gmail.com

  46. Hi Chris,

    I'm off to Bali this summer and would really appreciate some specific directions to the Black Sand Beach if possible.
    My email is: ellyallsopp@outlook.com

    Thank you so much :)

  47. Hi Chris,

    I'm off to Bali this summer and would really appreciate some specific directions to the Black Sand Beach if possible.
    My email is: ellyallsopp@outlook.com

    Thank you so much :)

  48. Hi Chris,
    I would love to see this gem of a beach on my next trip to Bali, so would you be kind enough to share the location of it? My email is andrei.marta@ymail.com
    Thank you and much appreciated!

  49. Hi Chris,

    Thanks for sharing your lil adventure! This black sand beach is a total beauty and I'd love to embark on an adventure of my own (but a little help would be great!).

    Appreciate it if you could drop me an email at lynetteljb@gmail.com :D

    Thank you <3

  50. Hey Chris, this looks like a gem. Thanks for sharing them. I’m heading to Bali next week and would love to visit the Black Sand Beach. If you could email me the directions, that would be much appreciated!

    Here’s my email: hudaazzis@gmail.com

  51. Hi Chris! Your article is great! Im travelling to Bali this November with my mom and I know she would be thrilled to see the black sand beach so if its not too much trouble for you, I would really appreciate if youd share with me its location. Thank you in advance! My email is kica.smajli94@gmail.com
